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Workshops for your business or staff

Do you invest in your staff's mental health or well-being? Would you like to offer your customers a heritage craft to learn whilst sipping their coffee and eating yummy cake? Do you have a community centre, craft space or hub where you would like to offer a new skill for a group of crafters? If the answer is yes, then read more below!

Nautical Rope
Beach Waves
Hammock Relaxing

Several studies have shown that creative activities, such as weaving, improve general well being and mental health. The connection between hand and brain, concentration and satisfaction from the final product, promotes a positive outlook on life.


Weaving has been known to decrease anxiety, reduce the feeling of being over-whelmed  and create a social connection to others partaking in the craft. It brings a serene and sedative state, promoting relaxation, calming the mind and decreasing stress. By focusing on the task at hand, it allows the participant to forget any external pressures  and worries, serving as an outlet of release from any challenging emotions. 


If you wish to invest in your staff or customers mental health and provide a rope weaving workshop, please do get in contact using the button below!


I also do talks regarding my work with environmental charities such as Sea Trust Wales, Pembrokeshire Beach Cleans and Neptune's Army of Rubbish Collectors. If you would like me to visit as a guest speaker please get in touch!!

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